Retrieving Folders in Records Management Administration - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

To work with managed folders in the Records Management Administration, you must first retrieve them. Retrieving managed folders from the Records Management Administration layout is similar to retrieving documents from the Document Retrieval layout.

To retrieve managed folders, from the Records Management Administration layout:

  1. From the drop-down list in the Records Management Administration pane, select the status of the folder(s) you want to retrieve, or select <All> if you plan to retrieve folders from more than one status. You can also select a status by typing the name of the status.
  2. From the Folder Types list, select the Folder Type(s) to be included in your search:

    You must select one or more Folder Types if searching <All> statuses.

    To select multiple Folder Types, press Shift or Ctrl as you click.

  3. Each Folder Type may be associated with one or more Keyword Types. All folders assigned to a Folder Type have the same Keyword Types, and unique Keyword Values. If multiple Folder Types are selected, the only applicable Keyword Types are those that are common to all the selected Folder Types.
  4. Enter Keyword Values or select Keyword Values from the drop-down list(s). You can use the Tab key to move to the next Keyword Value field.

    When the cursor is in the Keyword Type's field, you can press F5 to open the drop-down list, if one exists. You can use the up and down arrow keys to select from the Keyword Values displayed in the drop-down list. When you have selected the appropriate Keyword Value, press Enter.

    If you type a partial value before pressing F5 or opening the drop-down list, the drop-down list will begin with those values that match the partial value.

    If two or more consecutive Keyword Types contain drop-down lists and are ordered in such a way as to show a hierarchical parent/child relationship, the Keyword Types may be part of a Cascading Data Set. Selecting a Keyword Value from the parent drop-down list filters the available Keyword Values from the subsequent child drop-down list.


    You are only able to view the first 100 entries in a drop-down list. To reduce the values displayed in a drop-down list, type several characters into the field before expanding the drop-down list.

  5. When you have entered all search criteria, press the Enter key, or click Find.
  6. All folders that match the search criteria are displayed in a Search Results list.

    A maximum of 2,000 results can be returned in a Records Management Administration query. If a query results in more than that, an error message is displayed. Narrow your search to return fewer results.

When retrieving folders by Keyword Value, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:

Keyboard Shortcut



Change the operator for the selected Keyword Type.


Change the connector for the selected Keyword Type.


Show the drop-down list for the selected Keyword Type.


Add another value for a Keyword Type.

Ctrl + O

Collapse or expand any Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group.


For more information on retrieval, including information on operators, connectors, and wildcards, see the Unity Client documentation.

If necessary, the Records Management Administration layout data list can be grouped, sorted, and filtered like other Unity Client data lists. For example, you can type a partial folder name in the Name column to retrieve a list of matching folders:


For more information on grouping, sorting, and filtering data lists, see the Unity Client documentation.