From the RPS Remittance Processing Configuration dialog box, click Field Order. The Import Processor Configuration dialog box is displayed.
This dialog box allows for the identification of specific keywords for each document identified by the Remittance Processor.
Fields are configured for each Document Type identified by the processor. Select a Document Type in the Import Processor Configuration dialog box and click Field Configuration.
The RPS Remittance Configuration dialog box is displayed.
The RPS Remittance Configuration dialog box allows you to map values in the import index file to system Keyword Types and other system values. This mapping tells OnBase which values to store as Keyword Values.
The remittance file stores document information in a delimited file. OnBase determines the meaning of each value or field based on the order in which it is presented in a record. A record is composed of the fields related to the import of a single document. In the example below, each line is a record. The Field Order configuration options let you determine how OnBase matches the fields in the import index file to specific system keywords and file locations.
When you use a remittance file, you must ensure that your file adheres to the configuration field order and number of fields per record. Each Document Type in an import index file must have a specific number of fields and field order, which cannot vary within a Document Type.
Fields are distinguished from one another by separators, such as the comma (,) in the following example. Fields may be enclosed by delimiters, such as the quote symbol (") in the following example. Delimiters are often used in comma-separated files to enclose numeric values that contain a comma (,).
Note:Each field used in the remittance file must be of an expected length. OnBase will process all characters that appear within that length, regardless of the presence of separators.
For Example: