Column Mapping - Report Mining - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Report Mining

Report Mining
Foundation 23.1

Column mapping defines how columns are populated in the output file.


Before mapping columns, be sure you've read and understood the Important Concepts for Area Configuration and Mapping.

The procedure for mapping columns depends on the type of information that a column contains, also called the data type. Descriptions of each data type are provided in the following table.

Data Type


Static Text

Static text is a specific word or phrase that is displayed for every record pulled from the selected Document Type.

For example, if multiple Document Types are assigned to a process, the static text column can be used to identify the Document Type that a record came from.


Keyword columns display a Keyword Value from the document containing the record. They can also contain the document's Document Date or Date Stored.

Page Data

Page data is a value that occurs on a specific line of each page and occurs only once per page. For example, this may be a report title or a page number.

Record Group Single Data

Single data is information that occurs only once within a record group and applies to every record in the record group. For example, this may be the name of a company or customer.

Record Primary Data

You must map one column (and only one column) as primary data.

Primary data is key information that is available for each record in a record group. For each piece of primary data found in a document, a new row is generated in the output file.

For example, each record in a document may contain a customer's account number.

Record Secondary Data

Secondary data is additional information about a record that occurs on the same line as the primary data.


For an illustrated example of record group data types, see Definitions.

To begin mapping columns, proceed to Accessing Column Mapping.