Using a Tag to Identify Primary Data - Report Mining - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Report Mining

Report Mining
Foundation 23.1

Use a tag if the primary data may occur on a different line number on each page, but it occurs always in the same position relative to a tag string.

  1. Access column mapping as described under Accessing Column Mapping. Ensure Column Mapping is selected in the process tree.
  2. With the pointer, highlight the location where the tag could be located. The tag is the point of reference that the process uses to find the primary data.
  3. Select Column Mapping | Add Tagged Primary Data Range from the resulting menu.

    If this option is not available, a primary data column may already be mapped. Only one primary data column can be assigned per Document Type. Also ensure that the Column Mapping node is selected in the process tree.

  4. With the pointer, highlight the entire tag string. The tag string is the text label that identifies the tag and its location.
  5. Select Set Tag String.
  6. With the pointer, highlight the primary data's location. Ensure the highlighted area accommodates the maximum data length.
  7. Select Set Data Location In Relation to Tag. The Select Column dialog box is displayed.
  8. Select the primary column.
  9. Click Apply. The primary data column is added as a new node in the process tree.

    If the record group is tagged, then the primary data column definition must be modified. In tagged record groups, visual configuration calculates the primary data column's position relative to the start of the area rather than the start of the record group. The primary data column position must be reconfigured to be relative to the start of the record group, as described in the following steps.

  10. Complete the following steps if the record group is defined with a tag, and if the record group starts on a different line than the start of the area.
    1. In the process tree, expand the primary data column node under Column Mapping.
    2. Expand the Record Primary Data node.
    3. Double-click the Tag String parameter. The Tag Field Definition dialog box is displayed.
    4. In the Line field, type the line where the data occurs in the record group. The first line in the record group is 1.

      No changes are necessary if the first line in the area is also the first line in the record group.

    5. Click Save.
  11. Continue to Applying Primary Data Options.