Modifying Definitions Using the Sample Document - Report Mining - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Report Mining

Report Mining
Foundation 23.1

Visual Report Mining Configuration allows you to change the following definition parameters using the sample document:

  • Data location (for columns)

  • First line in area

  • Lines from tag to start of area

  • Lines in area

  • Record group location

  • Tag location

  • Tag string

To change one of these parameters, do the following:

  1. Open the sample document in Visual Report Mining Configuration. For detailed steps, see Opening a Sample Document.
  2. In the process tree, select the parameter you want to update.
    For example, if you are updating the data location for a column, expand the column, and then select the [DATA LOCATION] parameter.
  3. With the pointer, highlight the parameter's new location in the sample document. If you are updating a tag string, highlight the new tag string.
  4. Select Update [Parameter] from the resulting menu.
    The name of the menu option reflects the type of information you are updating. For example, if you are updating the [DATA LOCATION] parameter, the menu option is Update Location. If you are updating the [TAG STRING] parameter, the menu option is Update Tag String.

    If you change an area or record group definition, any definitions that are based on those settings retain their original parameters. You may need to reconfigure the related definitions to use the new point of reference. For example, suppose the area starts on line 3 and is configured to include 10 lines. The area would end after line 12. If the Start of Area 's line number is decreased to 1, then the area is still configured to contain 10 lines. However, the area would now end after line 10.


    If you update the [DATA LOCATION] parameter for a tagged definition, the parameter may no longer be defined relative to the end of the tag string. When the [DATA LOCATION] parameter is updated, the new value is based on the end of the search area configured for the tag string, not the end of the tag string itself. This behavior occurs because the location of the tag string within the search area is not saved when the tag string is defined.