Settings related to the performance of Reporting Dashboards can be fine-tuned in the OnBase Configuration module. The settings that relate to Reporting Dashboards are under the Utils menu.
To access Reporting Dashboards settings:
- Launch the OnBase Configuration module.
Select Reporting Dashboards Settings from the Utils menu. The Reporting Dashboards Settings dialog box is displayed.
Update the settings as required. In most cases, the default value is acceptable.
Database Timeout (in Minutes)
Overrides the default connection timeout value for the data provider when querying the database. Enter a whole number of minutes in the field provided. The default value is 5(five minutes). The minimum value is also 5(five minutes).
Reporting Data Source
Specify a data source that all data providers query. Enter the name of the connection string in the field provided. If a data source is not specified, Reporting Dashboards uses the data source for the current user's session.
Note:Document Query and Workflow Inbox data providers do not respect this setting.
Override Max Row Limit
Sets an upper limit for the number of rows returned in the results set for a data provider query.
If the data provider allows more rows to be returned than the Result Limit Override value, the Result Limit Override value overrides the value set at the data provider level.
Enter a whole number of rows in the field provided. By default, this value is set to 0(zero) and the level of each data provider is used, as set at the data provider level.
Override Cache TTL (in Minutes)
Set a lower limit for the number of minutes after which to cache the results from a data provider query. Enter a whole number of minutes in the field provided. If set to 0(zero), this setting is ignored.
Note:Results are only cached if the data provider is configured to allow cached results.
SQL Select List Cache TTL (in Minutes)
Set a limit for the number of minutes to maintain a cache of select lists in Custom SQL data providers. After the configured minutes have elapsed, the cached values for select lists are cleared.
Enter a whole number of minutes in the field provided. If set to 0(zero) or a negative number, this setting is ignored.
Note:To refresh the values of select lists after the configured time has elapsed the dashboard must be closed and reopened.
Max Concurrent Data Requests
Sets an upper limit for the number of concurrent requests a single session can make.
Enter a whole number of requests in the field provided. The value must be greater than zero (i.e., 1 or more). The default value is 3.
Click Save.
The Save button is disabled if invalid entries are in any of the fields.