Data Provider Administration - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Data providers return data from a data source to be displayed in a dashboard. New dashboards cannot be used unless at least one data provider is added to it. The Create Data Provider Wizard is used to create new data providers.

Depending on the modules licensed for your system, one or more types of data providers may be available for configuration. The basic data provider types that are available to all systems with Reporting Dashboards and are described in this chapter. For details on license-specific data provider types, see the module reference guide for that module.

The following actions are available from the Data Provider Administration ribbon.



Click Create New Data Provider to launch the Create Data Provider Wizard. Data providers return data from a data source to be displayed in a dashboard. New dashboards cannot be used unless at least one data provider is added to it.

For more information, see Creating New Data Providers.

Select an existing data provider in the Data Providers list and click Copy to New to launch the Create Data Provider Wizard. The wizard is launched at the What would you like to name this data provider? dialog box.

For more information, see Creating New Data Providers.

Select a data provider in the Data Provider list and click Delete to completely remove it from the system. You are prompted to confirm this action.

Select a data provider in the Data Provider list and click History to view the action history of the selected data provider. This allows you to see which users made changes to the data provider and a summary of the changes made.

For more information, see Viewing the History Logs.

Select a data provider in the Data Provider list and click Properties to view and change the properties of the data provider.

For more information, see Changing the Properties of Existing Data Providers.

Select a data provider in the Data Provider list and click Configuration to view and change the configuration of the data provider.

For more information, see Changing the Properties of Existing Data Providers.

Select a data provider in the Data Provider list and click Assign Items to view and change the dashboards or reports assigned to the data provider.

For more information, see Changing the Properties of Existing Data Providers.

Select a data provider in the Data Provider list and click Assign Users to view and change the users assigned to the data provider.

For more information, see Changing the Properties of Existing Data Providers