Bulk Changes to Data Provider User and User Group Assignments - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

To change the user and User Group assignments of multiple data providers in the Administration area:

  1. Select Data Providers in the left pane under Configuration Items. The data providers configured are listed in the right pane.
  2. Select the data providers to change in the right pane and click Assign Users in the Actions ribbon group.

    The Assign Users window is displayed.


    To show only users, select Specific User from the drop-down list, and to show only user groups, select User Group from the drop-down list. To find a specific user or user group, type the first few letters of the name or the full name in the Find... field and the list is filtered accordingly. To show only previously selected users, select Only Show Selected Items at the bottom of the main pane.

  3. To select a user, move the cursor over that user's row and select the check box that is displayed.

    To remove a user's access, deselect the check box beside the user's name.


    Access cannot be changed for the owner.

  4. Click Assign to save your user selections.

    If you attempt to grant access to a user that does not have access to all of the data within that data provider, the following dialog box is displayed.

    Click the name of the data provider for a list of all affected users and the data they do not have access to. These users will not be able to use any reports or dashboards that use this data provider. Granting users access to this data provider does not grant access to any data or columns within the data provider that the user does not already have access to.