Creating New Data Providers - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Data providers return data from a data source to be displayed in a dashboard. New dashboards cannot be used unless at least one data provider is added to it. The Create Data Provider Wizard is used to create new data providers.

The process is the same for copying an existing data provider or creating a completely new data provider, except the options are pre-configured with the information from the data provider that was copied if you choose to copy an existing data provider. The pre-configured options for copied data providers can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the new data provider, unless otherwise noted.


The basic data provider types that are available to all systems with Reporting Dashboards and are described in this chapter. Depending on the modules licensed for your system, data provider types may be available for configuration. For details on license-specific data provider types, see the module reference guide for that module.

The exact configuration process depends on the data provider type selected. This table describes the data provider types available with all Reporting Dashboards installations.

Data Provider Type


Custom SQL Query

Allows you to write and execute custom SQL data access statements and stored procedures.


SQL statements should only be edited or written by a certified database administrator. Poorly constructed SQL statements may return unexpected results or could cause the client to close unexpectedly, and queries that are not written with the index schemas and data distributions in mind can become long-running queries that consume substantial database server resources and adversely affect the performance of the entire system. In extreme cases, data could also be removed from the database or otherwise corrupted.

See Adding a Custom SQL Query Data Provider Type.

Document Imaging Query - Time in Queue

Retrieves time-in-queue data from Document Imaging queues, including idle time and the total time from initial scan to final commit.

See Adding a Document Imaging Query (Time in Queue) Data Provider Type.

Document Imaging Query - Time to Process

Retrieves the time-to-process data for batch Document Imaging processes, based on users or User Groups.

See Adding a Document Imaging Query (Time to Process) Data Provider Type.

Document Query

Returns data based on Keyword information for documents stored in OnBase.

See Adding a Document Query Data Provider Type.

The following modules also have data provider types available for use with Reporting Dashboards:

  • Plan Review

  • Report Capture

  • Workflow

  • WorkView

  • Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance


WorkView data can also be displayed using Custom SQL Query reports in Reporting Dashboards. For best results, WorkView applications should make use of filters that are configured with the Enable reportable view setting. With this configuration, the column names in the SQL view are defined by the administrator and will be easier to configure for dashboards. For more information on configuring WorkView applications, see the WorkView module reference guide.

For details on configuring license-specific data provider types, see the module reference guide for that module.