A listing of where to configure the different timeous depending on the data provider types.
Data providers have different timeout durations that vary according to the type of data provider. The following table lists the default values for each type, the default value for that timeout, and where the setting can be changed, if possible.
Data Provider Type | Default Timeout Duration | Setting Location |
Document Query | Hardcoded 5 minutes | Application Server |
HIS Workflow Messaging | 5 minutes | Reporting Dashboards database timeout |
Report Capture | 5 minutes | Reporting Dashboards database timeout |
Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance | 5 minutes | Reporting Dashboards database timeout |
Custom SQL | 5 minutes | Reporting Dashboards database timeout |
Document Imaging Query - Time in Queue | 5 minutes | Reporting Dashboards database timeout |
Workflow Activity | 5 minutes | Reporting Dashboards database timeout |
Plan Review | Hardcoded 5 minutes | Application Server |
WorkView | Hardcoded 5 minutes | Application Server |
For information on configureing Reporting Dashboards database timeouts, seeChanging Reporting Dashboards Settings.