Importing Sample Dashboards and Data Providers - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The import package used to import sample dashboards and data providers is available from your first line of support. The package is imported using the standard Import Configuration functionality (see Export Configuration).

The following limitations should be noted regarding the dashboards and data providers that are imported:

  • Some dashboards and data providers can be imported but require additional licensing to be used. Additional licensing requirements are noted in Sample Dashboards and Sample Data Providers.

  • None of the imported dashboards are shared with any users or User Groups on import. User and User Group sharing must be configured for the dashboards after import.

  • All dashboards are imported to the Sample Dashboard category. This category is created on import.

  • The design of imported dashboards cannot be changed but they can be copied to base new dashboards on, and new dashboards can be created using the imported data providers.

  • The configuration of imported data providers cannot be changed but they can be copied to base new data providers on.