Sample Data Providers - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The import package contains the sample data providers listed in the following table. The configuration of imported data providers cannot be changed but they can be copied to base new data providers on. The imported data providers can also be used to create new custom dashboards not included in the import package.


Some data providers require additional licensing, as noted.

Data Provider

Data Provider Type


Document Counts by Document Type

Document Query

Returns data about the selected Document Types.

Document Types with System Keywords

Document Query

Reports on the documents for the selected Document Types.

Failed User Logins

Custom SQL Query

Reports the number of failed logins per user.

Locks Older Than 24 Hours

Custom SQL Query

Reports the current number of batch, disk group, and document locks.

Uncommitted Batches

Custom SQL Query

Reports the number of uncommitted scanned batches as compared to a threshold value (a default value of 500 is used if no threshold is set).

Uncommitted Scanned Batches by Status

Custom SQL Query

Reports the number of uncommitted scanned batches by status.

User Login Activity

Custom SQL Query

Reports the number of successful logins per client per user.

Workflow Activity for Ad Hoc Tasks

Workflow Activity

Reports on the execution of ad hoc tasks for the selected Workflow queues.


System must be licensed for Workflow to use this data provider.

For more information on this data provider, see the Workflow module reference guide.

Workflow Activity for Transitions

Workflow Activity

Reports on how items transitioned through Workflow for the selected Workflow queues.


System must be licensed for Workflow to use this data provider.

For more information on this data provider, see the Workflow module reference guide.

Workflow Inbox Contents

Workflow Inbox

Reports on the items that are currently in the Workflow Inbox for the selected Workflow queues.


System must be licensed for Workflow to use this data provider.