Viewing the History Logs - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The history allows you to see which users made changes to or accessed data providers, dashboards, reports, including a summary of the changes made or access provided.

To view the history, select a data provider, dashboard, or report in the main pane and click History.

The History dialog box is displayed.

The History window is divided into Configuration and Execution tabs.

  • The Configuration tab lists changes made to the configuration of the selected item and who made them, including changes to the sharing permissions of the item.

  • The Execution tab lists who has accessed the selected item and when they accessed it.

The actions toolbar allows you to refresh and filter the information displayed.

Click Refresh to refresh the history log to reflect changes to the filters.

To filter the history log to show only a specific date range, select the date to start the range in the From field and the date to end the range in the To field.

To automatically populate the date range, click the calendar icon at the right of the date range fields and select one of the options, then click Apply Date Range.

To clear the selected dates, click Clear Filters or the clear calendar icon.


Administrators are able to purge the history logs. If a history log has been purged, no information is displayed.