Changing Existing Dashboards - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The dashboard properties that can be changed include the name, description, icon, refresh rate, user access, categories, and data providers. They can be changed through the Properties dialog box.

To access the properties of a dashboard, select the dashboard to change in the Gallery pane on the left of the Item Viewer and click Properties in the Dashboard ribbon group:

You can also right click the name of the dashboard to change in the Gallery pane on the left of the Item Viewer and select Properties from the right-click menu:

The Properties dialog box is displayed:

The Properties dialog box is divided into the following areas:

  • General: Change the name, description, icon, and refresh rate of the dashboard. See General.

  • Sharing: Change user access to the dashboard. See Sharing.

  • Categories: Change the categories of a dashboard. See Categories.

  • Display Actions: Change the display actions of the dashboard, or reconfigure existing display actions. See Display Actions.

  • Data Providers: Change the data providers of a dashboard. See Data Providers.

You can also access the Dashboard Designer from the Properties dialog box by clicking the Design button at the bottom left of the dialog box. See Using the Dashboard Designer.