Display Actions - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The Display Actions tab of the Properties dialog box allows you to add or remove items from the Actions right-click menu for dashboard items on a dashboard.


It is considered a best practice to save your dashboard before configuring display actions from the Dashboard Designer. If a dashboard is updated in the Dashboard Designer while the Properties dialog box is open, changes made to display actions can be overwritten.

The configured display actions are available from the Actions right-click menu of configured dashboard items and allow users viewing the dashboard to use that dashboard item to perform actions outside of Reporting Dashboards, such as opening a specific document in OnBase.


If the dashboard item does not contain the value required to perform the configured display action, that action is disabled in the right-click menu.

The first available display action configured can also be executed by double-clicking the dashboard item, as long as the dashboard item does not have drill-down functionality enabled. If drill-down functionality is enabled, double-clicking the item drills down to the next level of data until the lowest level of data is reached. Once the lowest level of data has been reached, double-clicking the item executes the first available display action.

To remove configured display actions from the dashboard, select the action to remove in the Display actions pane and click Remove. You are not prompted to confirm this action.

To add display actions to the dashboard:

  1. Click Add. The Edit Display Action dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select an item from the Dashboard Item drop-down list. This is the dashboard item that the display action is available on. This list is populated with the names of all the dashboard items that are available on the dashboard.

    Each display action is configured for a single dashboard item on the dashboard. To configure the same display action for multiple dashboard items, that display action must be added and configured for each dashboard item individually.

  3. Select an action from the Action Type drop-down list. This is the underlying event that occurs when a user selects the configured action, such as opening a document.

    If Display Document is configured as the Action Type for a Document Type that a user does not have rights to access, that user will only be able to see the metadata for the document but not the document itself.

  4. Enter a Display Caption in the field provided. This is how the action is labeled in the right-click Actions menu. The caption should be short and concise and describe what will occur. For example, Display Document or Open Workflow Queue.
  5. Select an Event Data option that represents the data required to perform the configured event, such as a document ID that is used to open a specific document.

    One or more Event Data drop-down lists are displayed when an action type is selected. These drop-down lists are populated with both hidden and non-hidden data items configured for the dashboard item that represent a dimension (not a measure) on the dashboard item.


    If the Event Data option selected does not contain the value required to perform the configured action, that action is disabled in the right-click menu.

    For example, to open a specific document when the Display Document action type is selected, the unique document handles of the documents returned when the dashboard item loads must be included as a data item on the dashboard item and selected as the Event Data, which means it must also be configured as a display column for the data provider:

  6. Click OK at the Edit Display Action dialog box.
  7. Click OK to save your changes and close the properties dialog box.

To remove display actions from the dashboard, select the action to remove in the Display actions pane and click Remove. You are not prompted to confirm this action.

To move a display action up or down in the list, select it and click the corresponding arrow in the lower right corner of the dialog box.

Display actions that are available for a specific dashboard item are displayed to users in the right-click menu in the same order as they are displayed in the Display actions list in this dialog box.


If the dashboard item does not contain the value required to perform the configured display action, that action is disabled in the right-click menu.

The first available display action configured can also be executed by double clicking the dashboard item, as long as the dashboard item does not have drill-down functionality enabled. If drill-down functionality is enabled, double clicking the item drills down to the next level of data until the lowest level of data is reached. Once the lowest level of data has been reached, double clicking the item executes the first available display action.