Using the Expression Editor - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The Expression Editor is used to edit calculated fields in dashboards. The Expression Editor supports a variety of math, date-time, string, and logical functions for use in calculated fields.

The Expression Editor supports syntax highlighting and intelligent code completion, which suggests functions as you type. Typing a left square bracket causes a drop-down list to display, listing all available data columns. When hovering over a column, a tooltip is displayed with the column's data type.

If an expression contains any errors, the editor immediately highlights them.

The following syntax conventions should be taken into account when using the Expression Editor:

  • A data field is referenced by enclosing its name in square brackets. For example: [Products.ProductName]

  • Query parameters are referenced by typing a question mark before their names. For example: ?parameter1

  • Report parameters are referenced by adding the Parameters. prefix before their names. For example: [Parameters.parameter1]

  • String values are enclosed with apostrophes. An attempt to use quotes instead will result in an error. For example: 'string value'

  • To include an apostrophe in a string value, type two apostrophes. For example: 'It''s sample text'

  • Date-time constants should be enclosed by number signs. For example: [OrderDate] >= #1/1/2016#

  • To represent a null reference (one that does not refer to any object), use a question mark. For example: [Region] != ?

  • If an expression involves the use of different types, you can convert them to the same type using dedicated functions. For example: Max(ToDecimal([Quantity]),[UnitPrice])