Creating a Format Rule - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

To format values according to the required condition:

Click the measure menu button, select Add Format Rule | Bar Gradient Ranges and select the required color gradient.

The Bar Gradient Ranges dialog is displayed, containing a set of value ranges and corresponding appearance settings. The Grid dashboard item on the right displays the default formatting applied using the predefined red-blue gradient.

This dialog allows you to change the following options specific to Bar Gradient Ranges.

  • The Number of ranges field allows you to specify how many ranges are used to classify values. Click the Generate Ranges button to generate a new gradient scale according to the specified number of ranges.

  • The Use % ranges option box specifies whether the percent or absolute scale is used to generate ranges.


    The Use % ranges option is not available for numeric dimensions.

    To change a specific color in the gradient, click the button next to the required color and select a new color or specify a custom background color. This allows you to create a color gradient based on more than two colors. In this case, the specified colors are marked with an empty square.To learn how to specify a custom color, see t Specifying Appearance Settings.

  • You can change range boundaries by specifying the required values.


    A new value should fall into a range between corresponding values of the previous and next ranges.

  • To change the comparison logic for the required range, click the comparison sign and select the required option.

The > =(greater or equal to) sign indicates that the range includes the smallest value of the current interval while the >(greater) sign indicates that the range excludes the smallest value from the current interval and includes it in the next interval.