Drill-Down Dashboard Items - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Drill down is a design element that allows the user viewing the dashboard to control the level of detail displayed in a dashboard item by clicking a specific data point on the dashboard item. For example, sales totals for the year can be drilled down to view specific sales totals by quarter and then further to show sales totals by month.

To configure drill-down functionality for a dashboard item:

  1. Launch the dashboard designer. The designer can be launched in several ways:
    • The dashboard designer is automatically launched when the dashboard is first created.

    • From the Dashboard Gallery area, select the dashboard to design in the left pane then click the Design button in the Dashboard ribbon group.

    • From the Administration area, click Dashboards in the left pane and select the dashboard to design, then click the Design button in the Dashboard ribbon group.

    • From the dashboard Properties dialog box, click the Design button at the bottom of the dialog box.

    The dashboard designer is opened in a new user interface.

  2. Select the dashboard item to use drill-down functionality with.
  3. Click the Data tab to display the Data ribbon.
  4. Click Drill Down.
  5. Ensure that more than one Argument is supplied for the data items. The argument data is used to drill down on the data, with the drill down moving from the top (most general) to the bottom (most detailed) of the arguments list. The dashboard item is initially displayed using the top-most argument.

    For example, to show the number of units sold in a dashboard item by category that can be drilled down into specific products, configure the data item arguments with the category and product parameters, with the category (most general) parameter first.

  6. Click Save in the File ribbon group of the Home ribbon to save your dashboard design and continue working, or click Save & Close to save your dashboard design and close the dashboard designer.

    If a dashboard item is configured with drill-down functionality, it is a best practice to display the caption for the dashboard item. If the caption is hidden, the button showing that the dashboard item has drill-down functionality, and that is used to move back up after drilling down, is also hidden. However, even if the button is hidden, users can still drill up from the right-click menu.