Configuring a Master Filter - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

To configure a dashboard item as the master filter:

  1. Launch the dashboard designer. The designer can be launched in several ways:
    • The dashboard designer is automatically launched when the dashboard is first created.

    • From the Dashboard Gallery area, select the dashboard to design in the left pane then click the Design button in the Dashboard ribbon group.

    • From the Administration area, click Dashboards in the left pane and select the dashboard to design, then click the Design button in the Dashboard ribbon group.

    • From the dashboard Properties dialog box, click the Design button at the bottom of the dialog box.

    The dashboard designer is opened in a new user interface.

  2. Select the dashboard item to use as the master filter.
  3. Click the Data tab to display the Data ribbon.
  4. Select the type of master filtering to apply:

    Master Filter


    Single Master Filter: Allows you to select one element in the master filter dashboard item to update the data in the other dashboard items.

    For example, clicking a bar representing the sales totals of a single sales representative updates a pie chart showing the breakdown of sales by state for that sales representative.

    Multiple Master Filter: Allows you to select one or more element in the master filter dashboard item to update the data in the other dashboard items.

    For example, selecting bars representing the three highest sales totals among sales representatives updates a pie chart showing the breakdown of sales by state for the three sales representatives selected.

  5. Select Cross-Data-Source Filtering to include data supplied by other data providers in the master filtering.

    Filtering across data providers is accomplishing by matching the full names of data provider display columns. Only data with matching display column names is affected by a cross-data-source master filter. For example, if the Sales Rep Total display column has the same name in both data providers it will allow cross-data-source filtering, but if the column name is Sales Rep Total in one data provider and Sales Total in another data provider, cross-data-source filtering is not applied.


    Display column names for data providers can be changed in data provider configuration. See Changing the Configuration of Existing Data Providers.

  6. Click Save in the File ribbon group of the Home ribbon to save your dashboard design and continue working, or click Save & Close to save your dashboard design and close the dashboard designer.

    If a dashboard item is assigned as a master filter, it is a best practice to display the caption for the dashboard item. If the caption is hidden, the icon showing that the dashboard item is a master filter is also hidden.