Sharing - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The Sharing tab of the Properties dialog box is available to users who have the necessary rights to share the report. It allows you to change user access to the report. Users and User Groups the report is shared with only have the ability to use the report as defined in the Access Level column.

If the report is currently being shared with users or User Groups that do not have access to all of the data providers assigned to the report, a yellow warning banner is displayed along the top of the Sharing tab.

Click the View a list of those users to display a list of the users and user groups that do not have access to certain data providers. From this list, you can grant access to these users and user groups by clicking the check box near their name. Click OK to close the list. To add users and User Groups to data providers, see Changing the Properties of Existing Data Providers.

To add or remove users or change the access levels for users or User Groups, see: