Changing User Access Levels and Extra Permissions - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

To change the access levels and extra permissions of users and User Groups:

  1. To change the access level for a user or User Group, right-click the name or the user or User Group and select one of the Access Level options.
    • Read Only: The user or User Group can view the report but cannot change or delete the report.

    • Modify: The user or User Group can view and modify the report but cannot delete it.

    • Full Control: The user or User Group can view, modify, and delete the report.


      The owner is the user who created the report. Access cannot be changed for the owner.

  2. To change the extra permissions for a user or User Group, right-click the name of the user or User Group and select one of the Extra Permissions options.

    If the user or User Group has Full Control access, all extra permissions are included by default and cannot be removed.

    • Re-Share Report: The user or User Group can share the report with other users.

    • Export Report Data: The user or User Group can export the data that was used to create the report.

    • Add/Remove Data Providers: The user or User Group can change the data providers used to retrieve data for the report. This permission is only available to change if the user or User Group has Modify access.

  3. Click Share to save your changes and close the dialog box.