Creating New Reports - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

To create a new report:

  1. Click Create New Report on the Item Viewer or Report Administration ribbon:
  2. Right-click anywhere in the Gallery pane (on the left side of the Gallery) and select New Report from the right-click menu.

    The Create New Report wizard launches, which guides you through the process of creating a report.

  3. At the How would you like to create the report? page:
    • Click New Report to create a completely new report.

    • Click Copy an existing Report to use an existing report as the template for a new report. The process is the same as creating a completely new report except the options are pre-configured with the information from the report that was copied. The pre-configured options can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the new report, unless otherwise noted.

  4. If you clicked New Report, the What would you like to name this report? page is displayed.

    If you clicked Copy an existing Report, the Select the report to copy from page is displayed. You can search for a report to copy by typing the name of the report into the Search bar in this page. Select the report to copy, then click Next. The What would you like to name this report? page is displayed.


    When a report is copied, the options in the remaining pages are pre-configured with the information from the report that was copied. Unless otherwise noted, the pre-configured options can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the new report.

  5. Type a name for the report in the Name field. The name must be unique compared to other reports created by the same user, but may share a name with reports created by other users. The name should logically describe the kind of data returned by the report.
  6. Select Make this report public to allow the report to be used by all other users. If this option is deselected, the report is only available to you and the specific users you grant access to.

    Only members of User Groups with the Administrator Access privilege can make a report public.


    A public report can not have the same name as any other public report or dashboard. A non-public report can not have the same name as any public or non-public report or dashboard. You will be prompted if you need to change the name of the report to meet these requirements.

  7. If Make this report public is selected, the Respect extra permissions option is enabled. Select this option to allow a public report owner to assign users and User Groups the permission to share or export report data.
  8. Type a brief description of the report in the Description field. The description should briefly explain what the intended purpose of the report is and what type of data a user can expect to see in it.
  9. Select an icon for the report from the Icon drop-down list. This list is populated with the available system icons. You do not have to select an icon, but icons can help users find report more easily if there are multiple reports available.
  10. Enter the number of seconds between automatic refreshes of the report display in the Report refresh rate field. You can also use the arrows on the right side of the field to increase or decrease the value in increments of five seconds, minutes, or hours, as selected from the drop down menu to the right of the field.

    Only members of User Groups with the Administrator Access privilege can set the refresh rate of a report.

  11. Click Next. The Assign a data provider to this report page is displayed.
  12. To add an existing data provider to the report, click Add to select from previously configured data providers. Data providers can also be added later.

    To create and add a new data provider, click Create a new data provider. For more information on creating data providers, see Data Provider Administration.


    A new report cannot be used unless at least one data provider is added to it. Data providers are configured in the Administration area of Reporting Dashboards. Contact your system administrator for information on creating and configuring data providers.

  13. Click Next. The Who should have access to this report? page is displayed.
  14. To grant access to a new user, click Add. The Select Users dialog box is displayed. Only users and User Groups with access to Reporting Dashboards are listed.

    To show only users, select Specific User from the drop-down list, and to show only User Groups, select User Group from the drop-down list. To find a specific user or User Group, type the first few letters of the name or the full name in the Find... field and the list is filtered accordingly. To show only previously selected users, select Only show selected items.

  15. To grant access to the dashboard or report to a user or User Group, move the cursor over that user or User Group's row and select the check box that is displayed.

    To remove a user or User Group's access, deselect the check box beside their name.


    Access cannot be changed for the owner.

  16. Click OK to save your user selections.

    When any dashboard or report is accessed by a user, data for all configured items (such as Document Types or Workflow queues) is returned, even if the user accessing the dashboard or report does not have access to those items in OnBase.

  17. To change a user's access level, right-click the row of the user's name and select one of the Access Level options.
    • Read Only: The user can view the report but cannot change or delete the report.

    • Modify: The user can view and modify the report but cannot delete it.

    • Full Control: The can view, modify, and delete the report.


      The owner is the user who created the report. Access cannot be changed for the owner.

  18. To change a user's extra permissions, right-click the user's name and select one of the Extra Permissions options:

    If the user has Full Control access, all extra permissions are included by default and cannot be removed.

    • Re-Share Report: The user can share the report with other users.

    • Export Report Data: The user can export the data that was used to create the report.

    • Add/Remove Data Providers: The user can change the data providers used to retrieve data for the report. This permission is only available to change if the user has Modify access.

  19. To remove a user, right-click the user's name in the Who should have access to this report? page and select Remove. You are not prompted to confirm this action.
  20. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed.
  21. Confirm that the report is configured correctly. If not, click Previous to return to previous pages and make changes.
  22. Click Finish after confirming the report settings.

    If the report was created by copying an existing report, other properties of the configuration that were copied may also need to be updated. See Changing Existing Reports.