Once the Reporting Dashboards is installed, the appsettings.json file must be edited to properly connect the Reporting Dashboards to the API Server. The appsettings.json file is located in the config folder of the Reporting Dashboards installation location. By default, this location is ..Program Files\Hyland\ReportingDashboardsWebSuite\.
CAUTION: Be very careful when updating the JSON
configuration files. If a copy exists with a similar naming scheme (for example,
appsettings.backup.json), and that copy is not deleted, the incorrect JSON configuration
file may be used. Configuration files are read in lexicographic order, or the order in
which they are loaded. This means that the last file saved is the first file loaded. The
order of precedence for the loading of the configuration sources is: 1) appsettings.json
file, 2) appsettings.{AltName}.json file, 3) Key-per-file directories, 4) Environment
variables, and 5) Command Line arguments. As a result, if a JSON configuration file is
configured with an alternate name, and is the most recently saved version of the JSON
configuration file, the file with the alternate name will take precedence, which causes
major errors during login.
To edit the appsettings.json file:
After completing the editing of the appsettings.json file, you must perform an IIS reset for the changes to take effect.