Installing the Reporting Dashboards Web Suite - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Once all specified servers have been installed and configured, the Reporting Dashboards Web Suite can be installed. The installation files can be downloaded from Community or provided by your first line of support. The files are provided as a .zip file that should be extracted on your system before installation.

To install the Reporting Dashboards Web Suite once the installation files have been extracted from the .zip:

  1. Right-click Hyland.ReportingDashboards.Web.Suite.Setup.exe and select Run as Administrator. The Hyland Reporting Dashboards Setup window is displayed.
  2. Click Install. The Welcome to the Hyland Reporting Dashboards Suite Setup Wizard window is displayed.
  3. Click Next. The IIS Settings window is displayed.
  4. Select the web site for the Reporting Dashboards from the Web Site: drop down list.
  5. Enter the name of the Reporting Dashboards application into the Application Name: field. By default, this value is set to "ReportingDashboardsWebSuite".
  6. Enter the name of the application pool into the Application Pool: field. By default, this value is set to "RDWebSuite".
  7. Click Next. The Destination Folder window is displayed.
  8. Enter the directory location to install the Combined Viewer to in the Install Hyland Reporting Dashboards to: field or click Change to select a different folder. By default, this value is set to "C:\Program Files\Hyland\ReportingDashboardsWebSuite\".
  9. Click Next. The Ready to install Reporting Dashboards window is displayed.
  10. Click Install to finalize the settings and being the installation.Once the installation is complete, the Completed the Reporting Dashboards Setup Wizard window is displayed.
  11. Click Finish to close the window. The Hyland Reporting Dashboards window is updated to state that installation has been completed.
  12. Click Close. The Hyland Reporting Dashboards window is closed.