Axis - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Axis options allow for the display and labeling of axes in any item that includes them. Axis options include:

  • Reverse: An on/off toggle that allows you to reverse the axis.

  • Visible: An on/off toggle that allows for the display of the axis.

  • Title: An on/off toggle that displays the title of the axis.

  • Title Text: A text field to enter a title for the axis. The title is only displayed if the Title toggle is set to On.

  • Enable Zooming: An on/off toggle that allows the user to zoom in along the select axis.

  • Limit Visible Points: An on/off toggle that limits the number of visible points on the axis.

  • Visible Points Count: A selectable number that determines how many visible points are shown if the Limit Visible Points toggle is set to On.

  • Logarithmic Scale: An on/off toggle that allows for the display of the axis in a logarithmic scale.

  • Logarithmic Scale Base: A drop-down menu to select the base used for the logarithmic scale. This option is only enabled if Logarithmic Scale is set to On.

  • Format Type: A drop-down menu to select how the data is displayed. Available formats include:

    • Auto: Automatically formats the data based on the keyword type.

    • General: Formats the data as general text.

    • Number: Formats the data as a number.

    • Currency: Formats the data as a currency.

    • Scientific: Formats the data according to scientific notation.

    • Percent: Formats the data as a percentage.

  • Unit: A drop down list that selects the basic unit displayed, from ones through billions. This option can also be set to Auto.

  • Precision: A selectable number that determines how many decimal places are displayed, if decimal values are used.

  • Include Group Separator: An on/off toggle to include separators between groups in the axis.

  • Currency: A drop-down menu to select the unit of currency used. This option is only available if Currency is selected as a Format Type.