Maps Items - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Map items include graphs and charts that display with maps. Each map item includes several variables such as columns, values, and arguments that must be configured for the item to display. These items include:



Geo Point Map

Inserts visual callouts of specific data items on a map. Variables for this item include:

  • Latitude: Data representing the geographical latitude of the location.

  • Longitude: Data representing the geographical longitude of the location.

  • Values: Data that represents the amount being shown at each location.

Bubble Map

Inserts visual callouts of specific data items on a map sized based on data. Variables for this item include:

  • Latitude: Data representing the geographical latitude of the location.

  • Longitude: Data representing the geographical longitude of the location.

  • Weight: Data that represents the amount being shown at each location, which is reflected in the size of each bubble.

Choropleth Map

Inserts a visual diagram of where on a map the data is relevant. Maps are colored by area based on the returned values to show geographical patterns surrounding the data. Variables for this item include:

  • Attribute: Data to group the total by on the map.

  • Maps: Data representing the total amount in each group.

Pie Map

Inserts visual callouts of specific data items on a map as pie charts for each location. Variables for this item include:

  • Latitude: Data representing the geographical latitude of the location of each pie chart.

  • Longitude: Data representing the geographical longitude of the location of each pie chart.

  • Argument: The column used to divide each pie chart into wedges

  • Values: The column used to produce the sum total for each pie chart.