Editing the Color Scheme - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Color schemes in use for a dashboard can be edited using the Color Scheme screen. To change the color scheme used in a dashboard:

  1. Select Color Scheme from the Dashboards Menu. The Color Scheme screen is displayed.
  2. Select a color scheme to edit. Color schemes include the global color scheme as well as any color schemes that have been added individual items.

    If you have not added any items to the dashboard, no color scheme is available to edit.

  3. Search for a color by entering the value associated with the color into the Search field, or select the color from the list of available options. The color options are displayed.
  4. To change the color, click on the down arrow near the hex value for the color in the Color field. The color selection options are displayed
  5. To select a color:
    • Pick the color using the palette selection tools.

    • Enter the RGB values for the color in the R:, G:, and B: fields.

    • Enter the hex value for the color in the #: field.

  6. Once you have selected the proper color, click OK to close the color selection options.
  7. Once all colors have been configured, click the X near Dashboard Menu to return to the dashboard.