Editing the Title of a Reporting Dashboard - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Once a dashboard has been created, you can change the title and change several options in the Title screen. To change the title of a dashboard:

  1. Select Title from the Dashboards Menu. The Title screen is displayed.
  2. Type the new title for the dashboard into the Text field.
  3. Click the Visible check box to determine if the title is shown in the dashboard. If checked, the title is shown.
  4. Select the alignment of the title by choosing either Left or Center under Alignment.
  5. Enable the Include Master Filter option to enable the use of a Master Filter with the dashboard.
  6. To include an image with the title, select one of the following options under Image:
    • Embedded: Select this option to upload and embed an image in the title. Once selected, you are asked to confirm the parameters for the dashboard. Click Submit to confirm and a field is displayed where you can select the image location.

      Click the ... to select an image. Once the image is selected, click OK and the image is uploaded.

    • Linked: Select this option to display an image hosted online. Once selected, you are asked to confirm the parameters for the dashboard. Click Submit to confirm and a field is displayed where you can enter the image location.

      Enter the address of the image in the field.

    • None: Select this image to display no image with the title. This is the default option.

  7. Once all options have been selected, close the Dashboard Menu to be returned to the dashboard.