Data sources can be filtered to only show data that meets configured conditions. To filter a data source from the Data Providers screen:
Click Filter. The Filter Editor dialog box is displayed.
- Hover near Add and click the + symbol.
Select either Add group to add a new group of conditions or Add condition to add a new condition.
- If you selected Add group, a new Add is created, allowing for additional conditions to be added as a sub group.
If you selected Add condition, a new condition is added.
Click the separate fields to select values for the filter.
- The blue field is the keyword being filtered for. Clicking this field allows you to select from the keywords available in the data source.
- The green field is the parameter comparison, and includes the different options depending on the type of keyword. For normal parameter comparison options, see Parameter Comparison Options. For date range parameter options, see Date Range Parameter Options.
- The gray field is the list of available values for the selected keyword.
- If you want to edit the filter in Advanced Mode, click the Advanced Mode check box.
If multiple conditions are included, you must select how the conditions are being compared. Available condition operators include:
And: All conditions are true.
Or: One or more of the conditions are true.
Not And: All conditions are false.
Not Or: One or more of the conditions are false.
- Once all conditions have been created, click Save. The Filter Editor is closed.