After logging into the Reporting Dashboards Web Suite, you are taken to the Gallery View. The Gallery View is used to view any created dashboards and reports.
Note: If you access the Hyland Reporting Dashboards Web Suite
via shared link, then the Gallery View is not displayed. To access the Gallery View,
click the Hyland Reporting Dashboards Web Suite icon:
The Gallery View includes several different options for selecting from available dashboards.
- Click the Search Dashboards field and type a term to search all available dashboards. The results are displayed below the field. Click on the desired dashboard to open it.
- Click My Dashboards to show a list of all dashboards you have created. Select the desired dashboard from the list.
- Click Public Items to show a list of all dashboards that are publicly available from your organization. Select the desired dashboard from the list.
- Click Shared with Me to show a list of dashboards that have been shared with you by other users. Select the desired dashboard from the list
The options in the Gallery View also enable you to search for and view all the reports created in the Unity Client.
Once you select a dashboard or report, a Parameters dialogue box may appear if the dashboard or report is configured to require parameter entry.
Note: All the parameters configured in the Unity Client for a specific
dashboard or report are respected in the Reporting Dashboards Web