Controlling a Dashboard in the Gallery View - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Once you have opened a dashboard, the following controls are available for each dashboard.

Icon Usage
Click to refresh the current dashboard view with the most recent available data.
Note: The automatic refresh rate configured in the Unity Client for a dashboard is respected in the Web Suite.
Click to open the Parameters window and edit the currently applied parameters.
Click to clear any filters selected in the current dashboard and return the dashbord to the unfiltered original state.
Click to switch to a full screen view for the dashboard. Press Esc to leave the full screen view.
Click to copy a link to the dashboard to your clipboard. The recipient of the link will need an account to access the dashboard.

Within individual dashboard items, several controls may be available, including the following.

Icon Usage
Click to eport the dashboard item. For more information on exporting, see Exporting Dashboard Items.
Click to select multiple dashboard items to apply an operation to, such as exporting.
Click to maximize the item to the full dashboard view, hiding any other items.
Click to minimize a mazimized dashboard item, showing all other items in the dashboard.