Displaying Documents in the Web Client - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The data available in a dashboard item or report can be configured to be displayed in other application, such as OnBase Web Client.

To enable this functionality, the Reporting Dashboards Web Suite appsettings.json file needs to be configured. For more information on configuring the Web Suite, see Configuring Web Suite to Display Documents in the Web Client.

To display a dashboard item or report data in the Web Client, the item or data must be configured in the Unity Client with one of the following display actions:

Display action Description
Display File/Folder Cabinet

Displays a file or folder cabinet through the Web Client.

Display Workflow/Workflow Queue

Displays a Workflow queue/item through the Web Client.

Display Document

Displays a document through the Web Client.

Display WorkView Object

Displays a WorkView object through the Web Client.

Display Dashboard/Report

Displays a dashboard or report.

Note: For more information on display actions, see Display Actions.

To display a dashboard or report item in the Web Client:

  1. Log into the OnBase Web Client using your credentials.
    Note: To display data from a dashboard or report in the Web Client, the application must be running and a user must be logged in.
  2. Go to the Reporting Dashboards Web Suite and log in using your credentials. The Web Suite main window is displayed.
  3. From the Gallery pane, select a dashboard.
  4. From the selected dashboard, double-click a dashboard item with a display action configured.
    Note: Display action is configured for a single dashboard item or data in a report in the Unity Client. If the dashboard item or report does not have the display action configured, this option is disabled in the right-click menu.
    Dashboard item selected in the dashboard

    Depending on the display action configured for the selected data, the data is displayed in either a Workflow or WorkView window.

    The dashboard item displayed in WorkView