Opening Dashboard or Report from a Shared Hyperlink - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1
Dashboards and reports can be accessed via a shared hyperlink copied in the Unity Client and opened in the Reporting Dashboards Web Suite. This allows users who do not have access to the Unity Client or Web Client to view dashboards and reports.

To enable opening dashboards and reports in the Web Suite, the Unity Client web.config file needs to be updated. For more information on configuring the Unity Client, see Configuring Unity Client to Create Web Suite URLs.


To access a dashboard or report from a shared hyperlink, the user must have a permission to view the dashboard or report.

To open an exisiting dashboard or report from a shared hyperlink:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Unity Client, navigate to the ribbon menu, click Copy to Clipboard > Copy Hyperlink and paste the link in the web browser.
      The Copy Hyperlink icon
    • Click the hyperlink provided to you by another user.
    • Copy the hyperlink provided to you by another user and paste it in the web browser.
    Note: When copying a hyperlink to a dashboard or report, all the configured parameters of the dashboard or report are also included.

    The Login page to the Web Suite is displayed if you are not currently logged in.

  2. Enter your username into the Username field.
  3. Enter your password into the Password field.
  4. Click Login. The dashboard or report shared with you via a hyperlink is displayed in the Reporting Dashboards Web Suite.
    The dashboard from a shared hyperlink displayed in the ReportingDashboard Web Suite
    Note: Some dashboards and reports require runtime parameters to be filled in before they can be displayed. The Parameters dialog box is automatically displayed when the dashboard or report is first displayed. Input the parameters, then click OK.
  5. To access the Gallery View, click the Hyland Reporting Dashboard Web Suite icon.
    The icon of Hyland Reporting Dashboards Web Suite to access the Gallery View