Configuring the Unity Client to Create Web Viewer URLs - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

In order to enable to Copy Hyperlink and Send To | Clipboard (as Shortcut) options, to allow users to copy the URLs of dashboards to the clipboard so they can be pasted into other applications, the Unity Client configuration file may need to be updated.

The Create Integration Hyperlink privilege is also required to use the Copy Hyperlink option.


If the Unity Client is installed using ClickOnce package deployment, changes to the Unity Client configuration file will require the package to be redeployed in order to take effect.

To enable hyperlink/shortcut copying:

  1. Locate the obunity.exe.config file. This file is at the same location as the Unity Client executable.
  2. Open the file in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad. Do not open the config file in a binary-text editor, such as Microsoft Word. Binary-text editors can introduce invalid characters to the configuration file that can cause unexpected errors when users access the Unity Client.

    When Windows UAC is enabled, the plain-text editor must be launched with elevated administrator privileges in order to enable the config file to be edited. To enable editing, right-click the text editor executable or a shortcut to it and select Run as administrator.

  3. Locate the emailLinkAs key under the appSettings element and change the value of the value attribute to weblink. This allows the dashboard to be accessed directly from the link using a Web browser.
  4. Locate the reportingWebViewerUrl key under the appSettings element and change the value of the value attribute to full URL path to the Viewer.aspx page for the Web Viewer installation. This is the http: path under IIS, for example: http://server-name/DashboardViewer/Viewer.aspx.

    If an HTTPS binding is enabled on the server, the path must begin with https.

  5. If URLs need to be generated manually or by a scripted process, without opening the Unity Client to create them, the Unity Client must be configured to allow unencrypted dashboard URLs.

    Unencrypted URLs pass parameter information in plain text and may expose sensitive information to anyone who can see the URL.

    To allow unencrypted Web Viewer URLs:

    1. Locate the encryptReportingUrls key under the appSettings element.

      If the encryptReportingUrls element does not exist, add it as a child of the appSettings element with this format:

      <encryptDashboardUrls value="false" />

    2. Make sure the value of the value attribute is false.

      The Web Viewer must also be configured to accept parameters from URLs. The acceptHttpDashboardParams web.config setting of the Web Viewer must be set to true. See Configuring the Web Viewer.

  6. Save and close the configuration file.