Configuring the Web Viewer - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

The Web Viewer can be configured to require a valid user name and password to access the linked dashboard or report, and to allow additional functionality for users accessing the dashboard or report from the a link. Web Viewer configuration can be done using the Web Application Management Console or by directly editing the web.config file of the Web Viewer.


To avoid introducing errors to Web Viewer it is a best practice to use the Web Application Management Console to edit the configuration options. For complete details on installing and using the Web Application Management Console see the Web Application Management Console module reference guide.

To configure the Web Viewer:

  1. Launch the Web Application Management Console on the machine that hosts the Web Viewer, or locate the web.config file for the Web Viewer. In a default installation, the web.config file is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportingViewer\.
  2. Select the Web Viewer at the Select the web application to configure dialog box in the Web Application Management Console and click OK. If the Web Application Management Console is already open, click Open Web Application to access the Select the web application to configure dialog box.

    If you are editing the web.config file directly, open the web.config file in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad. Do not open the config file in a binary-text editor, such as Microsoft Word. Binary-text editors can introduce invalid characters to the configuration file that can cause unexpected errors when users attempt to use the Web Viewer.


    If Windows UAC is enabled, the plain-text editor must be launched with elevated administrator privileges in order to edit the config file. To enable editing, right-click the text editor executable or a shortcut to it and select Run as administrator.

  3. Select the Reporting Viewer tab in the Web Application Management Console, or locate the Hyland.Web.ReportingViewer element in the web.config file, and change the items in the following table to reflect your configuration settings.

    You cannot edit the web.config file directly if the Hyland.Web.DashboardViewer element contains the EncryptedData child element. If the configuration has been encrypted it can only be changed using the Web Application Management Console.

    Web Application Management Console Field

    Web.Config Element

    Description and Settings

    User Name


    The user name of the account to use for access to the linked dashboard. If a user name is entered as the value, the corresponding password must also be entered for the Password value.


    This user account is used to access the dashboard by anyone following the link. It is a best practice to create a single-purpose user account to fill this need, with the minimum level of access and privileges to Reporting Dashboards and OnBase.

    To require the user accessing the dashboard to input a valid user name and password, leave this value empty.



    The password that corresponds to the user name entered as the User Name value.

    To require the user accessing the dashboard to input a valid user name and password, leave this value empty.

    Auto Login


    Select this option, or set it to true in the web.config file, if the Web Viewer is configured to use a single sign-on scheme, such as Active Directory or LDAP.


    This does not automatically grant permission to access the dashboard. The user accessing the dashboard from the link must still have permission to access the dashboard.

    Dashboard Theme


    Set the color theme used to display dashboards to either dark or light.

    Export Dashboard


    Select this option, or set it to true in the web.config file, to allow users accessing dashboards to export dashboards as either images or PDF files. Deselect this option, or set it to false in the web.config file, to disable exporting.

    Export Dashboard Items


    Select this option, or set it to true in the web.config file, to allow users accessing dashboards to export specific dashboard items within a dashboard as either images or PDF files. Deselect this option, or set it to false in the web.config file, to disable exporting dashboard items.


    If Export Dashboard is deselected (false) the ability to export dashboard items is also disabled even if Export Dashboard Items is selected (true).

    Allow HTTP Parameters


    Select this option, or set it to true in the web.config file, to accept dashboard parameters from the HTTP request.

    Deselect this option, or set it to false in the web.config file, to allow the user accessing the dashboard to set the parameters.


    This option must be set to true if Web Viewer URLs are going to be created manually, or by a scripted process, without using the Unity Client to create them.

    Encrypt Dashboard Viewer


    Select this option to encrypt the configuration information of the Web Viewer in the web.config file.


    If this option is selected, the options can no longer be read or configured directly in the web.config file.

    Dashboard Tracing Info Level


    This value is for troubleshooting purposes only. Valid values are whole numbers 1-4.

  4. Click Save in the Web Application Management Console to save your changes, or save and close the web.config file.

    Changes to the configuration of the Web Viewer may require an IIS reset to take effect.