Right-Click Menu Items - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

This table describes the actions available from the right-click menu items for dashboards, reports, categories, and dashboard items. Specific instructions for each action are available by following the cross references, where necessary. The actions in this table are listed alphabetically; not all actions are available from each right-click menu.

To access the actions, right-click on the name of the dashboard, report, or category in the Gallery pane, or the dashboard item or report in the Display pane.

Menu Locations

Menu Item and Description

Dashboard Items


Actions: The actions available are configured by your system administrator as Display Actions. See Executing Display Actions.

Dashboard Items

Change Theme: Open the theme selection list to change the color theme of the dashboard. This option is only available in full-screen mode. See Changing the Dashboard Theme.

Dashboard Items

Reports (in the Display pane)

Clear All Filters: Reset all master filters and drill-down filters for the active dashboard item or report and return it to its default display.

Dashboard Items

Reports (in the Display pane)

Clear Customizations: Reset all user customizations for the selected dashboard item or report and return it to its default display.


Close All Tabs: Close all dashboards or reports currently open in the display pane.


Close All But This: Close all dashboards or reports currently open except for the tab this option was selected on.

Reports (in the Display pane)

Column Formatting: Set the formatting for a column to reflect different types of data. Column Formating is only available for columns using numeric data, date data, and date & time data. For more information on this, see Formatting Columns in a Report.

Dashboard Items

Reports (in the Display pane)

Copy Item to Clipboard (Image): Copy the selected dashboard item or report to the clipboard as an image so that it can be pasted into other applications.


Copying larger reports using Copy Item to Clipboard (Image) may not properly function for larger reports. The report should be saved as an image instead.

To copy the entire dashboard as an image, see Copying Data or a Link to an Item to the Clipboard.



Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Copy to New: Launch the Create Dashboard, Create Category, or Create Report wizard with the configuration and settings of the selected dashboard, category, or report pre-populated. See Creating New Dashboards, Creating New Categories, or Creating New Reports.



Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Delete: Delete the selected dashboard, report, or category. You are prompted to confirm this action.


Deleted dashboards, reports, and categories are no longer available to any users and cannot be recovered.


Dashboard Items

Design: Open the dashboard designer to change the design of the selected dashboard or the dashboard the selected data grid is from. See Using the Dashboard Designer.


Display Full Screen: Open the selected dashboard in full-screen mode. In full-screen mode, the dashboard fills the viewing area and only right-click menu options for dashboard items are available.

To exit full-screen mode, press Esc or F11 on your keyboard.

Dashboard Items

Enlarge Item: Open the selected data grid in an enlarged display mode. Only right-click menu options for the dashboard item are available. See Using Columns and Groups for Reports.

To exit the enlarged mode, click Exit Enlarge Item View, press Esc on your keyboard, or click anywhere outside the enlarged dashboard item.


Export Report to Excel: Exports the data in the report to an Excel sheet as it is presented in the report, with the columns and groups currently in use in the Excel file. To export all of the data in the report with all columns and no grouping, use the Export Data ribbon button. See Exporting Data to Microsoft Excel.

Dashboard Items

Full Screen: Open the dashboard the selected data grid is from in full-screen mode. In full-screen mode, the dashboard fills the viewing area and only right-click menu options for dashboard items are available. See Viewing Dashboards in Full-Screen Mode.

To exit full-screen mode, click Exit Full Screen or press Esc or F11 on your keyboard.


Dashboard Items


History: View the history log for the selected dashboard or report. If this menu item is selected for a dashboard item, the history for the entire dashboard is shown. The history includes configuration changes and an access log. See Viewing History Logs.



Reports (in the Gallery pane)

New Category: Launch the Create Category wizard. See Creating New Categories.



Reports (in the Gallery pane)

New Dashboard: Launch the Create Dashboard wizard. See Creating New Dashboards.



Reports (in the Gallery pane)

New Report: Launch the Create Report wizard. See Creating New Reports.


Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Open: Open the selected dashboard or report in a new viewer tab. See Using the Item Viewer.


Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Open in New Window: Open the selected dashboard or report in a new window. The new window includes the Item Viewer ribbon and right-click menu items. See Using the Item Viewer.

Dashboard Items

Reports (in the Display pane)

Parameters: Open the Parameters dialog box for the dashboard item or report the selected data grid is from to change the available parameters for that item. See Changing the Parameters of an Item.

Dashboard Items

Reports (in the Display pane)

Print Preview: Display the dashboard containing the dashboard item or report in the printing layout so the item can be printed.



Dashboard Items


Properties: Display the Properties dialog box for the selected dashboard, dashboard item, or report.

For more information on changing the properties of dashboards and dashboard items, see Changing Existing Dashboards.

For more information on changing the properties of categories, see Changing Existing Categories.

For more information on changing the properties of reports, see Changing Existing Reports.

Dashboard Items

Reports (in the Display pane)

Refresh: Reload the data displayed in the active dashboard or report to reflect the most recent changes to the data or parameters for that dashboard or report.



Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Refresh Gallery: Reload the Gallery pane to reflect the most recent changes to the dashboards, categories, and reports listed.


Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Remove from Category: Remove the selected dashboard or report from the category it is in when you selected it. If an item is included in multiple categories, it is only removed from the category from which you selected it.

Dashboard Items

Send Item to Personal Page: Add the dashboard to your Personal Page with the selected dashboard item enlarged when it is displayed. The enlarged dashboard item can be closed and the dashboard used like normal. The dashboard is displayed in a new window when opened from your Personal Page.

See Adding Items to Your Personal Page.

Dashboard Items

Send Item to Tile Group: Add the dashboard to a Tile Group with the selected dashboard item enlarged when the dashboard is displayed. The enlarged dashboard item can be closed and the dashboard used like normal. The dashboard is displayed in a new window when opened from a tile.

See Adding Items to a Tile Group.


Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Send To | Clipboard (as Shortcut): Copy a link to the dashboard or report to the clipboard so that it can be pasted to another location. See Copying Data or a Link to an Item to the Clipboard.


In order to use the link, the recipient must have access to the OnBase Unity Client that contains the dashboard or report and permission to view the item.


Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Send To | Personal Page: Add the dashboard or report to your Personal Page. It is displayed in a new window when opened from your Personal Page.

See Adding Items to Your Personal Page.


Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Send To | Tile Group: Add the dashboard or report to the selected Tile Group. It is displayed in a new window when opened from a tile.

See Adding Items to a Tile Group.


Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Send To | Mail Recipient (as Shortcut): Create an email in your default email program that contains a link to the dashboard or report. See Sending Items to Email Recipients.


In order to use the link, the recipient must have access to the OnBase Unity Client that contains the dashboard or report and permission to view the item.



Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Share: Grant or remove access to the selected dashboard, category, or report for users and User Groups. Access level and extra permissions can also be configured. See Sharing with Other Users.

Reports (in the Gallery pane)

Show Column Chooser: Enable the Column Chooser dialog box for selecting columns and groups. See Using Columns and Groups for Reports.