Changing the Parameters of an Item - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Some dashboards and reports require runtime parameters to be filled in before they can be displayed. The Parameters dialog box is automatically displayed when the dashboard is first accessed. Input the parameters, then click OK.


To refresh the dashboard or report without making parameter changes, click Refresh in the View ribbon group of the Item Viewer ribbon.

To change the dashboard or report runtime parameters:

  1. Click Parameters in the View ribbon group of the Item Viewer ribbon or select Parameters from the right-click menu for a dashboard item on a dashboard.

    The Parameters dialog box is displayed.

  2. Update the parameters for the data in the dashboard, dashboard items, or reports that you want to filter, limit, or otherwise update. The parameters that accept user input for all data providers assigned to the dashboard or report are included in the Parameters dialog box.
  3. Select the Save Parameters option to replace any saved parameters settings for the dashboard or report with the current selection. If the box is not checked, no parameters will be saved.

    Multiple items from a parameter list can be selected by holding the CTRL key and clicking on the items.

  4. Click OK. The dashboard or report is automatically refreshed. Changing parameters clears existing filters.

    If the amount of data returned for a dashboard or report is limited by the configuration of the data provider, this limit is displayed in the lower right corner of the item viewer when the amount of data included in the dashboard is less than the total amount of data available.