Grouping Data Using Columns - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Once columns are added to a report, the data in the report can be grouped according to any column header. To do this, drag the name of a column from the header row of the report or the Column Chooser dialog box and drop it into the Drag a column header here to group by that column area. The order in which the columns are added to the area at the top will determine the way in which they are grouped.

For example, in a report that contains columns for Document ID, Sales Persons, and Units Sold, you can group the results by the Sales Person column by dragging the column name to the top.

This will group the data by the sales person, with the remaining two columns (Document ID and Units Sold) under each sales person's name. Any rows that do not contain a Sales Person are grouped together as well.

You can then click on the arrow next to a sales person's name to expand their section of the report and see all rows associated with them.

Additional groupings can be added from other columns already in the report or brought in from the Column Chooser dialog box. In the above example, you can add the Product column to the grouping area to add another level of grouping to the results, which displays all document IDs and units sold for a specific product when available.

Each grouping can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the arrow next to the grouping. If you drag the group on the right to the left in the top area, you will change the level of the groups as well. The leftmost group will always be the broadest grouping, with each additional grouping to the right being a subgroup of the broader groups.