Adding Summaries to Groupings - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Once groupings are added to a report, summaries can be added to the group's heading by right- clicking the grouping and selecting Group Summary Editor.... The Group Summaries dialog box is displayed.

In the Items tab, select the columns you want to appear as summaries for each group. Depending on the column and the associated keywords, you can select one of the following values to display for the column:




The summary shows the maximum value for the column in a group.


The summary shows the minimum value for the column in a group.


The summary shows the average value for the column in a group.


The summary shows the sum of all values in the column for a group.

Additionally, select the Show row count option to show the number of rows within a group in the summary.

In the Order tab, select the order in which the enabled summary items are shown in the group headings.

Select a summary item and click the Up and Down arrows to change the order of summary items. Items at the top of the list will appear first in the group summary.

Once you have selected a summary item, you can edit how the item is displayed at the bottom of the Order tab. Default options are provided for each summary item.

The following options are available to change for each summary item:




The text that includes the name of the column as {column} and is shown in the summary before the selected value. Type in the text you want to appear before the value in this field.

Display format text:

The format for the value to appear as in the summary. Various options are available, depending on the keyword type of the column. Select the desired format from the drop-down list.


Text that appears after the value in the summary. This can be used to specify units for the value. Type the desired text in this field.

An example of the current options is shown below the options.

Once you have selected all the summary items in the Items tab and properly configured them in the Order tab, click OK to save the settings.