Display actions are specifically configured for the data available in a dashboard item or report and may include actions such as opening related documents or a Workflow queue.
To access the available display actions, right-click on a dashboard item or specific data within a report. The configured display actions are available from the Actions right-click menu of the dashboard item.
Display actions are only available if the dashboard or report has been designed to include them. See Accessing Dashboards and vpz1694032072536.html.
Each display action is configured for a single dashboard item on the dashboard or a single type of data in a report. If the dashboard item or report does not contain the value required to perform the configured display action, that action is disabled in the right-click menu.
The first available display action configured can also be executed by double-clicking the dashboard item or the specific data in the report. However. if a dashboard item has drill-down functionality enabled, double-clicking the item drills down to the next level of data until the lowest level of data is reached. Once the lowest level of data has been reached, double-clicking the item executes the first available display action.
If a display action is configured to display a Document Type that you do not have the rights to access, you will be unable to view the document but will be able to see its metadata. If you need to see the entire document, please contact your administrator.