Limiting the Range of the Data Displayed in Related Dashboard Items - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

Range filtering allows you to control with a simple sliding scale how much data is displayed for dashboard items that the range filter is configured to interact with. For example, limiting the sales counts displayed to a specific date range can be changed dynamically using a graphical range filter. Dashboards that include range filtering functionality contain a range filter dashboard item, distinguished by the range start and end markers on it:


Range filters are only available if the dashboard has been designed to include them. See Accessing Dashboards.

To adjust the range of the filter, click and drag the left and right filter end points to points on the range filter that define the start (left) and end (right) points of the range.

You can also click on the range filter icon in the upper right of the range filter dashboard item to manually select dates or type them into a Select Range dialog box.

Alternately, you can right-click on the range filter and select a range from the Date Range Periods menu or select Custom Period... to manually enter specific dates. A more detailed Select Range dialog box is displayed.

You can either manually type in the dates desired (in MM/DD/YYYY format) or select a range of dates using the calendar button, which opens the Select Date Range dialog box. The currently active date range is selected in the dialog box.

From the drop-down list, pick a Specific Dates or a Relative Time Values item. The options available here include:



Specific Dates

Specific Days

Displays data from a set of specified days.

Specific Months

Displays data from a set of specified months.

Specific Years

Displays data from a set of specified years.

Relative Time Values


Displays data from the date that the dashboard is viewed.


Displays data from the day prior to the date the dashboard is viewed on.

Previous Workday

Displays data from the previous workday to the date the dashboard is viewed on.

Last Business Day

Displays data from the previous business day to the date the dashboard is viewed on.

First Day of the Month

Displays data from the first date of the month the dashboard is viewed in.

Last Day of the Month

Displays data from the last date of the month the dashboard is viewed in.


Displays data for the next day after the date the dashboard is viewed on.

Next Workday

Displays data from the next workday to the date the dashboard is viewed on.

Next Business Day

Displays data from the next business day to the date the dashboard is viewed on.

Month to Date

Displays data from the first date of the month the dashboard is viewed in through the current date.

Year to Date

Displays data from the first date of the year the dashboard is viewed in through the current date.

Current Week

Displays data from the current week in which the dashboard is viewed.

Previous Week

Displays data from the week prior to the week in which the dashboard is viewed.

Current Month

Displays data from the current month in which the dashboard is viewed.

Last Month

Displays data from the month prior to the week in which the dashboard is viewed.

Next Week

Displays data from the month after that in which the dashboard is viewed.

Next Month

Displays data from the month after the week in which the dashboard is viewed.

Specific Day this Week

Shows data only from a specified day of the week for all previous weeks. Adds a drop-down list to chose the day of the week.

Specific Day next Week

Shows data only from a specified day of the week for all later weeks. Adds a drop-down list to chose the day of the week.

Last Days

Shows data for a specified range of days prior to the date the dashboard is viewed on. Adds a drop-down list to specify how many days prior to the current date to include.

Last Weeks

Shows data for a specified range of weeks prior to the date the dashboard is viewed on. Adds a drop-down list to specify how many weeks prior to the current date to include.

Last Months

Shows data for a specified range of months prior to the date the dashboard is viewed on. Adds a drop-down list to specify how many days prior to the current date to include.

If any of the Specific Dates options were selected, you should specify the dates by selecting them from the calendar. Additionally, several of the Relative Time Values options will have additional selections required for them, as specified above. Once the desired dates and options are selected, click Apply Date Range to return to the Select Range screen. Click OK.

The related dashboard items are updated to reflect the new range.

To clear the range filter and remove all other filters applied to the dashboard:

  • Click Clear All Filters in the View ribbon group.

  • Click the Clear Master Filter icon in the upper right of the range filter dashboard item.

  • Right-click the dashboard item and select Clear All Filters from the right-click menu.