Exporting Dashboard Data to PDF or Image - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

To export dashboard data as a PDF or image file:

  1. Click the Export To button in the dashboard title to export the entire dashboard, or click the Export To button in the title of a dashboard item to only export that item.

    Some dashboard items may not allow exports or may not be configured for exports.

  2. Select the export option from the list:
    • Export To PDF

    • Export To Image

    The Export To dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter a file name for the exported file in the File Name field. By default, the title of the dashboard or dashboard item is used as the file name.

    Dashboard titles may contain characters that are not allowed in file names. Illegal characters are replaced with an underbar ( _ ) in the exported file name.

  4. Select Show Title to include the title of the dashboard or dashboard item in the exported document.
  5. If Show Title is selected, enter the title to include in the Title field. By default, the title of the dashboard or dashboard item is used as the file name.
  6. To print the state of any applied filters, select an option from the Filter State drop-down list. Below adds the filter state immediately under the dashboard. Separate Page prints the filter state on its own page.

    The Separate Page option is only available when exporting to PDF.

  7. If you are exporting to image:
    • Select a file form for the image from the Image Format drop-down list: PNG, GIF, or JPG. By default, the image is saved as a PNG file.

    • Enter a resolution for the image in the Resolution (dpi) field. The default resolution is 96dpi.

  8. If you are exporting to PDF:
    • Select a Page Layout from the options provided: Portrait, Landscape, or Auto. By default, Auto is selected and the best orientation for the size of the dashboard or dashboard item and the page size selected is used.

    • Select a page size from the Size drop-down list. The sizes available are standard print sizes.

    • Select a Size Mode from the options provided. Stretch resizes the image to fill the page height and width, and may change the aspect ratio of the image. Zoom resizes the image to only fill the page width, which preserves the aspect ratio.


    If Stretch is selected for the size mode, the filter state is always printed on a separate page because Stretch sets the dashboard view to fill the page.

  9. Click Export. The file is created and your are prompted by your browser to open or save the file.