Exporting Report Data to Microsoft Excel or CSV - Reporting Dashboards - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Reporting Dashboards

Reporting Dashboards
Foundation 24.1

To export report data as a spreadsheet:

  1. Click the Export Report To Excel button in the report title. The Export To Excel dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter a file name for the exported file in the File Name field. By default, the title of the report is used as the file name.

    Report titles may contain characters that are not allowed in file names. Illegal characters are replaced with an underbar ( _ ) in the exported file name.

  3. Select a file format from the Excel Format drop-down list.
  4. If CSV is selected as the format, enter the separator character to use in the Separator field. The default character is a comma ( , ).

    The Separator field is only enabled if CSV is the selected format.

  5. Select Filters to include the filters applied to the data item in the spreadsheet.
  6. Select Parameters to include the parameters applied to the data item in the spreadsheet.
  7. If Filters or Parameters is selected, select where in the spreadsheet to put the information from the Position drop-down list.

    The Position drop-down list is only enabled if Filter or Parameters is selected.

  8. Click Export. The file is saved to the Downloads folder of the user currently logged in to the workstation. For example, C:\Users\JohnDoe\Downloads.