Encrypted Alpha Keywords - Security Best Practices - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Security Best Practices

Security Best Practices
Foundation 23.1

The Encrypted Alpha Keywords module allows alphanumeric Keyword Types stored in the OnBase database to be encrypted. Additionally, alphanumeric, encrypted alphanumeric, numeric 9, and numeric 20 Keyword Types can be masked when they are shown to OnBase users, which provides an additional level of security. A User Group privilege grants access to view Keyword Values without the security mask.

The encryption keys themselves are encrypted with a Key-Encrypting Key (KEK) and stored in the database. Rotating the KEK is fully supported in cases of critical business need, but it is important to note that if the KEK is rotated, administrators should store the formatted KEK in a secure location with a copy of all executables and DLLs which will be generated after the rotation process.


For more information on using Encrypted Alpha Keywords and rotating the KEK, see the Encrypted Alpha Keywords module reference guide.