Service Accounts - Security Best Practices - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Security Best Practices

Security Best Practices
Foundation 24.1

Some modules communicate with the OnBase database through the Application Server using an OnBase service account. A service account is an OnBase user account that allows OnBase to perform actions for Windows services without a physical user logging in and interacting with the software.

Configuring a user account as a service account grants the account full rights and privileges in OnBase to enable it to perform the actions required by the module it is associated with. If the account existed before being configured as a service account, that user is removed from all User Groups and cannot be added to User Groups.

User accounts that are configured as service accounts are still assigned a password but are not able to log in to OnBase using standard interactive logins. Service accounts should be accounts dedicated only to the module that requires it and have the highest strength of password configured.


An OnBase service account should never be used to run the OnBase Client as a Windows service.


For more information on running OnBase as a Windows service, see Running the OnBase Client as a Windows Service.