Handling Unknown HL7 Codes - Signature Deficiencies for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Signature Deficiencies for Epic

Signature Deficiencies for Epic
Foundation 22.1

If the HL7 Medical Records Chart action encounters HL7 code that does not match any configured items, it will automatically create a new item for the HL7 code.

For example, suppose an HL7 message has the value MC in the facility field, but MC is not associated with any facilities in OnBase. In this case, the Medical Records Chart action will do the following:

  • Create a new facility named MC

  • Place the value MC in the facility's HL7 Field Specifier field

  • Assign the specified chart to the MC facility

Facilities and Admit Types created by HL7 are regarded as not configured. In the Medical Records Management Solution, if a chart is assigned a facility or Admit Type that has not been configured, the chart is sent to Charts Requiring Review. Once the facility or Admit Type is configured in OnBase Configuration, the chart can be removed from Charts Requiring Review. The chart will respect the newly configured settings.