Configuring Deficiency Note Types - Signature Deficiencies for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Signature Deficiencies for Epic

Signature Deficiencies for Epic
Foundation 22.1

The following are guidelines for assigning Note Type privileges, icons, and print settings. For detailed information on configuring Note Types, including User Group Note Type privileges, see the Configuration module help.


Medical Records notes (deficiencies) are displayed on all revisions of a document.

  1. Assign an icon to each MedRec Note Type. Each Note Type used to create or complete deficiencies must be assigned an icon.
  2. Assign Note Type privileges to Signature Deficiencies for Epic users. Their Create, View, Modify, Delete privileges must be sufficient for users to perform their duties.
  3. For non-approved (or pending) deficiency Note Types, configure print settings. See Configuring Print Settings for Deficiency Note Types.