Preparing the Epic Integration Configuration Files - Signature Deficiencies for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Signature Deficiencies for Epic

Signature Deficiencies for Epic
Foundation 22.1

When it runs, the installer does not configure the Epic integration configuration files, but it can copy pre-configured configuration files from a directory to the required locations.

To deploy the properly configured files, first create and configure the required integration configuration files. These files are described in the following table:

Configuration File



Used by the Scan Acquisition Server, Front Office Scanning integration, and Signature Deficiencies for Epic. To create this file, use the EpicConfigFileCreator.exe utility provided with the installer files.


Used by the Scan Acquisition Server. Configure the sample file provided in the same directory as the installer. The installer deploys this file to the same directory as the Scan Acquisition Server integration files. For more information, see the Scan Acquisition Server configuration documentation.


Used by the EpicCare Link integration, which includes PlanLink and EpicWeb. To create this file, see the installation documentation for Integration for EpicCare Link.


Used by Signature Deficiencies for Epic. Configure the sample file provided in the same directory as the installer. The installer deploys this file to the root of the Application Server's virtual directory. For more information, see the Signature Deficiencies for Epic configuration documentation.