Signature Deficiencies for Epic provides the ability to electronically assign and complete deficiencies on documents stored in OnBase. Analysts can view documents and assign deficiencies to physicians, and physicians can accept or decline these deficiencies. Signature Deficiencies for Epic automatically routes the documents through the completion process.
Signature Deficiencies for Epic integrates seamlessly with the Epic ® application. Documents stored in OnBase are retrieved directly through the Epic user interface.
From the Epic Health Information Management module, analysts can review scanned documents through the OnBase viewer to assign deficiencies for missing signatures or missing information.
From the Epic In Basket, physicians can retrieve documents and electronically sign deficiencies assigned by the analyst.
Signature Deficiencies for Epic allows users to open OnBase documents from the Epic application without interactively logging on to OnBase. Analysts and physicians can analyze and complete encounter documents without leaving the Epic interface.
Deficiencies can only be completed using image documents and not other file formats.