Where to Run the Installer - Signature Deficiencies for Epic - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Signature Deficiencies for Epic

Signature Deficiencies for Epic
Foundation 23.1

Use the following table to determine where to run the installer:

To install this component

Run the installer here

EpicCare Link integration

EpicCare Link or EpicWeb server

Front Office Scanning

Client workstations or Citrix servers where the Epic client executables reside

OnBase Application Server integration files

OnBase Application Server

Healthcare Web Viewer

Client workstations or Citrix servers where the Epic client executables reside

Scan Acquisition Server

Client workstations or Citrix servers where the Epic client executables reside

Signature Deficiencies for Epic (client-side)

Client workstations or Citrix servers where the Epic client executables reside

Signature Deficiencies for Epic (server-side)

OnBase Application Server

DeficiencyPop for Epic

Client workstations or Citrix servers where the Epic client executables reside